a break, a pause

I needed a minute to breathe.

A minute to meditate.

A minute to just be.

I also needed to test out a new camera, so a walk was in order. It had been a little while since I had a nature walk, though in the area I live in, I’m always a half step from being in the woods. I set out in the general direction of a local coffee shop, knowing I’d encounter something worth capturing along the way.

This time of year is among my favorites to photograph.

A few times, I stood still and just listened to the sounds swirling around me. In those moments of stillness, I felt the presence of a force greater than myself. In those moments of just letting myself be, I feel God working.

I had been in a serious photography rut until very recently. Having those moments of questioning myself artistically, my purpose, whether the work I’m doing means anything. But in this space, in this time, all of that melted away. I felt protected, enveloped in good energy.

I also managed to find something new in a space I’ve been near so many times. Just by being curious, and letting myself move wherever my intrigue took me. In those moments, I’m back to being the curious little boy that wandered around trying to find the meaning of everything.